6 Easy Ways to Improve the Air Quality in Your Home
by Sally L Watkins Monday December 6th 2021

Did you know that we spend 90% of our time indoors?
And that our indoor air quality (IAQ) can actually be 2 to 5 times worse than outdoor air?
So the old saying 'get some fresh air' rings true, even today!
Poor air compromises human health
You may not consider it at first or all, but the ill effects of poor air quality compound over time. "If you live in a home with chronically poor air quality, you can experience frequent headaches, long-lasting colds, and bronchitis as well as chronic asthma," says E. Neil Schachter, MD, the medical director of respiratory care at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York.
Surprisingly, one of the many health effects of indoor air pollutants is fatigue.
Indoor Air Quality and What You Need to Know
Indoor air quality is a common concern for many people, and with this concern comes the need to know more about the causes and how to maintain good indoor air quality in your home.
Unfortunately, many misconceptions about indoor air quality can lead to an unhealthy home environment. Here are some myths and misconceptions that may keep you from maintaining good indoor air quality and some great resources on the topic.
Myth: "I don't need to worry about the indoor air in my home because I spend most of my time outdoors."
Fact: You should still be concerned with your home's indoor air and not just outdoor air. Your home's indoor air may consist of chemicals such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide that can have a negative effect on your health, even if you're not aware that they are there.
Improve Your Indoor Air Quality in 6 Simple Steps
Your home is where you spend most of your time, so you want to ensure that it's safe for your family. Its not just about clearing out rubbish and having junk removed from your home or office.
Indoor air quality can often worse than outdoor air quality. Here are Six Simple Steps to improve it in your home:
Ventilate Your Home
Invest in an Air cleaner
Seal Those Leaks
Reduce Air Pollution
Replace Your Furniture
Keep the Plants Outside
Ventilate Your Home
Vacuum regularly. Replace feather dusters with microfibre cloths. Address areas of leakage and dampness. During summertime, turn on the A/C to eliminate excess humidity. Avoid aerosols. Opt for fragrance-free products.
Invest in an Air cleaner
Invest in an air cleaner with a HEPA filter. Consider factors such as filtration %, micron size of particles removed, maximum room area, and fan speeds. You may also wish to evaluate energy consumption and look for certified labels.
Seal Those Leaks
Sealing air leaks from around doors and windows can help protect ourselves from the adverse health effects of poor air quality.
Also, Sealing those leaks in your home or office is one of the most effective ways to clean up your house for good. You are not just sealing those leaks; you are also getting rid of all that dust and dirt that enters your home or office.
Reduce Air Pollution
Air pollution in cities is a significant concern, but the situation for air quality in homes has been virtually ignored. This can be difficult when it comes to our home because many of the things we do every day add to the air pollution.
Make sure that we are not adding to it by taking these steps to remove or limit indoor air pollution:
- Do not allow smoking.
- Always use the stove fan when cooking, especial with gas cooks. The gas itself leaks into the immediate area.
- Keep your home clean: dust and vacuum regularly. Clean any mould immediately.
- Keep any doors between your garage and the home closed.
- Do not store paints, solvents or varnishes inside.
- Consider replacing carpets with bare floors, as carpets can trap indoor pollutants.
- Choose low-toxic timber flooring or timber varnishes.
- Choose non-polluting or low-emission paints, sealants, adhesives, insulation, wood, and cleaning products.
- Choose formaldehyde-free wood products.
Replace Your Furniture
Air quality inside your home is just as important as outside air quality. The average person spends about 90% of their indoor time inside, so it's vital to keep the air around you clean. One way to do this is by replacing your furniture with pieces made of non-toxic materials, so they don't emit any chemicals into the air.
Avoid the following:
- Formaldehyde is emitted by processed wood products such as particleboard.
- Brominated flame retardants emitted by computers and some furniture.
- Don't require dry-cleaned clothing and furnishings.
- Ensure exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom are working correctly; a well-ventilated bathroom needs a good exhaust fan to stop moisture build-up, especially in humid rooms like bathrooms.
- Moisture control is essential as dampness encourages both dust mites and mould. Ensure you have moisture absorbers like DampRid, which suck moisture out of your bathroom, wardrobe, laundry room, bedroom, office, kitchen, storage unit, other spaces.
Keep the plants outside
If indoor allergens are a problem, you'll want to avoid Indoor plants.
While indoor plants are attractive, they can also collect and promote mould growth. According to Dr BuSaba, indoor plants can produce mould growth by 30%.
keywords: how to improve your home's indoor air quality, improve your house's indoor air quality
What is VOC, and How Can it Affect My Health?
Many factors can affect our health, but why do some people get sick more than others?
One cause is the effect of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) on individuals. VOCs are chemical compounds that are emitted by different materials.
The term VOC is used to describe these volatile chemicals because they evaporate at room temperature, which is why they get released into the air.
VOCs in the home can be found in various products, including clothing, furniture, building material and fragrances.
VOCs can affect your health by causing headaches, nausea and fatigue. Studies have shown that VOCs also play a role in developing cancer and other illnesses.
Whether you live in an apartment, house, or want a healthy office or workplace, improving Air Quality in these simple steps can make a difference.
We need to put our health first and stop ignoring the short term and long term effects these pollutants have on our body and mind!