Cleaning Up after a Flood in Sydney
by eddy Tuesday July 19th 2022

Cleaning up from a flood can be daunting, especially in Sydney, where some areas have flooded 2-3 times.
As flooding leaves a lot of debris and mess, it's essential to prepare and plan on how you will deal with the damage once the water subsides.
Quick facts when dealing with flood-affected premises
- Shut off gas and electricity.
- Wear protective gear.
- Remove standing water and all soaked items.
- Shovel out mud. Remove wall interior surfaces and insulation.
- Scrub walls and floors, and then disinfect with bleach solution.
- Dry thoroughly before rebuilding.
How to Deal With Flood Damage Waste in Sydney
Safety first
Before handling waste caused by flood damage, you need to take precautionary measures. Use the following guidelines to get your home back to livable standards as soon as possible.
To stop the spread of waterborne disease, clean the area of contaminated water first.
If you come into contact with potentially contaminated flood water, please do the following:
- Wash all exposed skin with soap and clean water as soon as possible, or use alcohol-based wipes or sanitiser.
- Wash all contaminated clothes in hot water and detergent before reuse
- Take care of wounds and seek medical attention if necessary.
Any organic debris and other non-hazardous rubbish lying around your property after a flood should not be removed with your bare hands.
Ensure you wear protective clothing such as gumboots, work overalls and gloves to protect your body is a must. Do not touch hazardous items.
Dealing with Non-Hazardous Waste
Reduce the risk to your health from mould and contaminated items by removing all hard rubbish as soon as possible, such as:
- Furniture, mattresses, electrical items
- Whitegoods, outdoor and sports equipment, garden and garage equipment
- Broken fencing, building materials
- Clothing
- Carpet
If you are uncomfortable or unsure about moving these items yourself, we can do this for you.
Double bagging all foodstuff and placing it in your council bins is the safest option when removing food waste.
Removing hazardous waste can also be a safety risk.
If you have oil, car fluids, paints and batteries, disposing of them correctly will require taking them to a council depot or utilising a hazardous waste removal service. In some cases,
Items like these require a skilled and licensed rubbish removal company in Sydney.
Dispose of damaged building materials containing asbestos or treated timber at a landfill licensed to take that type of waste.
For immediate action, call us. We are experts in waste removal and have the equipment for flood damage waste cleanup jobs.
If you use sandbags to protect your home or business, you can get rid of them by emptying the sand into your garden and disposing of the bag in your rubbish bin.
Some sandbags are biodegradable, won't harm the environment, and are safe to dispose of when no longer needed. Check the label to see if they can safely go into your compost bin.
However, you should remove all sandbags from access areas before the rubbish collection team arrives.
Don't forget to wear gloves when handling sandbags, especially if they have come in contact with floodwater.
Similarly, if you have a tarp that you no longer require, please dispose of it in your rubbish bin, or if it is too large for your bin, you can return it to your nearest SES depot, and they will arrange for it to be appropriately disposed of. We can also take your tarp when
Deceased Animals
Dead animals can endanger your health and safety. Contact your local EPA or council for advice, and don't attempt to handle them unless you know how to remove the carcasses properly.
Avoid all the hazards and hard work with the help of the team!
Dealing with flood damage waste is not easy and can require skill and heavy lifting, not to mention accessing resources to remove the rubbish.
Our trucks can fit in tight access situations and will hold all kinds of flood waste. We have teams of 2-3 mean per truck, ensuring we can handle any situation. It may require more than one truck, and we can discuss this with you before booking your rubbish removal job.
We understand your immediate need for a waste cleanup after the floodwater comes down. Don't worry — our local expert team ensures safety when dealing with rubbish.
Book your flood damage waste removal in Sydney anytime by calling us on 9550 2046 or 0418 486 665. Our service team is on-call 24/7!